
I'm currently reading John and Stasi Eldredge's Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul.

This is the best book I have read in a long time. I'm going to update as I continue to read this book.

Here is what I have learned from this book so far:

1. God has created every woman in His image. No matter how short, tall, skinny, not-so-skinny, etc., etc., we are all already beautiful. We just need to recognize it. By recognizing that our souls are beautiful, we are recognizing that we are beautiful. When we do this, everyone around us will see this beauty.

2. God is the Ultimate Romancer of our souls. He longs to be our companion, our soulmate ... He wants to know every inch of our heart's contents. And He wants us to tell Him those contents. Sure, He can figure it out on His own. But where's the fun in that? Where is the 2-way relationship?

3. "The more His we become, the more ourselves we become, more our true selves." The more I learn about life, the more I realize how absolutely true this line is. I am His. I am made after Him. He has created me to be His. There is so much of me wrapped up in Him. I won't know this until I discover Him.

More to come later.


James E. Miller said...

Sounds like a wonderful book - for women, that is.

I hope you are doing well. We plan to make the trek to HU for Spring Sing, so I look forward to seeing you then.

Anonymous said...

Hey Renee! I read that book...or should I say re-read and finished that book last summer. When I first started it 2 years ago I was not ready for it. It is a great book and several of my friends have really gained so much from it. I find myself thinking about things from it (especially about squishing the "soul") when dealing with my girls. I pray that they feel what they feel now for many years to come.