
So I was sitting at a restaurant the other day with a couple of friends. We were talking about a situation where a girl had asked this friend of mine if he was married because he had a purity ring on his left ring finger. When he said no and that the ring is a purity ring, the girl basically did everything short of proposing. The other friend who was with us humorously told him he should have told her he's married to Jesus.

I laughed.


Tonight I was talking with my roommate about how happy I am being single right now. Every moment I used to spend talking with a guy from my past is now used to spend time with God. Maybe a reason why relationships from my past have never worked is because I haven't yet completely given myself to God.

I guess in the past I never really wanted to completely belong to God. I think I'm there now. I haven't figured out how to do it though. I guess it's just a process. Every thought, every word, every action, every minute, everything in my life has to be God-centered.


In the conversation with my roommate tonight I was telling her how funny I thought that conversation was. As I was telling her this, it dawned on me that he's right. We are married to Jesus. His blood bonds us.

Funny how it takes a while to realize sometimes what people are saying. Just that one humorous lunch. Just that one purity ring on my friend's finger. Just that one conversation with my roommate. All of those scenarios have led me to this moment. Divine appointment. I am married to Christ.

I am married to Christ.