
There are friends who come and go in your life. And when they go that's it. But there are those in your life you thought you'd never see the day when they would leave and you hope that when they leave that isn't it.

This time of year in the environment in which I leave always brings a lot of emotions. This year is no different. It may be worse, actually. I once again find myself in a time of transition. This time of transition is taking quite a few people in different directions away from Searcy and leaving me here next year.

Dustin: Thank you for being such a quiet, humble, goofy and incredible friend. I am so proud of you and what you've done for Harding and what you're going to do for Pepperdine. Harding will never be able to replace you. I love ya brother! Thank you for helping me become the person I am today. I'm not sure who I'm going to eat lunch with next year. I'll be out to Malibu to see you soon! :)

Alisha: Thank you for being the best roommate I ever had! I am so grateful for you being a part of my life the past few years. I don't know how I would have gotten through these past two years without you. I can't believe we've been in this apartment for almost two years. I can't believe it's time to pack up. You are the most awesome girl I know! Houston is going to love you! I love ya!

Those are the two on my heart right now. Lots more to come. I am so blessed to have the people in my life that I do. God is so good. While there is a lot of sadness in my heart right now because so many are moving on, there is so much happiness because I have been able to know them.

God is good. His will is being done through my friends. I know He will keep us connected throughout life.

I just hope, Dustin and Alisha, you know how much you mean to me. You've helped me grow, change and just have fun. I'll miss our shopping trips and our laughs and our lunches together. Searcy is going to be a strange place without you.